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The Courses we offer

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We have created Cedar Park to provide a supportive environment for those home schoolers who want to learn with others in a positive environment, and who are looking for alternative academic pathways.


Our intention is to provide opportunities and pathways to enable every member of Cedar Park community achieve their dreams .

We cover the core subjects of Maths, Science, English and HASS, with two specialist tutors who have a combined total of 35 years of secondary school teaching experience.

Most importantly, we share the same values about how to create an environment for all young people to feel comfortable and thrive.

We also offer a range of enrichment courses to cater for a broad range of needs.


These include:


- Visual Arts

- Outdoor Education (camping, bike rides, bush cooking, orientation, water sports)

- Theatre Studies and design

- Speech & Drama production

- Table top and role play (interactive game activities)

- Pokémon and Dungeons and Dragons specialist tutors

Example of our Timetable for 2024

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